The Music Education Resource Network (MERN) is being developed and hosted by TFME to provide mentoring and support for inexperienced music educators in band, choir, orchestra, and elementary music classrooms. These MERN advisors will be available to developing music teachers through ensemble clinician services, music program structure guidance, school district consultation, and other requests identified by inexperienced music educators. Invitations to become part of the MERN advisor program will only be extended to music educators that have demonstrated an ongoing commitment in support of the future of music in the schools.


Dick Clardy, a past-president of TMEA, will serve as Managing Director of the Music Education Resource Network. MERN will be a proactive mentoring network and offers experienced Advisors to new music teachers that are entering the teaching field in the areas of band, choir, orchestra and elementary music.  Enrollment in the MERN network as an advisor or protege network can be accessed via the forms below.


Responsibilities and expectations for MERN advisors to the foundation are in essence on a volunteer basis. Due to the charitable nature of the foundation, the success of this endeavor is dependent on the quality and commitment of the membership. There are no annual meetings or attendance requirements at music conferences.

For more information on the Music Education Resource Network, please contact Dick Clardy.